Monday, February 27, 2012

Chichicastenango - or just Chichi for those in the know

Today was a monster day. I went to Chichi on a chicken bus and it is definitely an experience. I am still trying to work out if I liked it. There are enough seats on a chicken bus for 48 people and ours going out of Guatemala had 79 on it. Coming back there were 83. Instead of 2 to a seat there are at least 3, sometimes 4, plus those standing. They go VERY fast and when they go round the sharp curves (and all of them are sharp) you have to try and hang on to something. The bus ride takes a good hour from Xela and then you change onto a microbus. I would have liked to take a photo but I literally could not get the camera out of my pocket because of the crush. A microbus is one of those 15 seat things you can hire without a special license except that you can fit 26 into these with a little perseverance. This ride takes another hour. I think my arms are going to hurt for days from the constant effort of hanging on in the bends.
The market itself was huge crammed in the streets not in an open square. Also went for a bit of a wander around town and checked it out. It is like all CA and SA towns; old, cramped, dirty and full of life. At one time during walking through the tight walkways in the market an attempt to rob me was made but I recognised the tactic from the Lonely Planet book. There were two women in front of me and two behind at a junction in the walkway. They had about 4 kids with them. They blocked my path and started to squeeze in on me and as I tried to move sideways they moved too. Then I felt my backpack being jostled. So I forcibly pushed forward very strongly saying 'Lo siento' all the time and when I had pushed my way through I checked the backpack and they had managed to unzip it about 6". There was nothing in the backpack of value anyway. And that was the only issue I had all day. The buses there and back cost Q50, morning tea and lunch cost Q100, and I bought a nice purse for Blanca (my house mum) which cost Q45 (she was very surprised at that). Total cost for the day was Q195 - about $25. Not bad for a day out. Caught up with some of the school people when I got back at a big religious parade so we went out for a couple of beers after dinner. It is now about 11 pm and I am worn out and need to sleep.

A view of one of the fruit/veggie selling areas.

Chicks for sale.

Family day out in the back of a ute.

These are the crypts at the Chichi cemetery. So much colour.

This is the shop next to the cemetery. The sign says 'The last goodbye shop'.

Big procession in town. Note the lights on the float.

Those lights have to get their power from somewhere!


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