Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The end of day one in Quetzaltenango

Firstly, the only easy place for me to get internet access is at the spanish school in the mornings so I will write the blog at night and post it the following day.

I am sitting in my room at about 6:00 pm at the end of my first day in Quetzaltenango. Everyone here calls the town by its indigenous name which is Xela (pronounced shella) so from now on in this blog I will too.
It has been a long and intense day from the moment I got up. That doesn't mean bad, quite the contrary, I have had a great time trying to communicate with everyone. The family I am staying with is fantastic! They don't speak English but they involve me in conversations and do their best to make sure I understand what is going on and help me to say what I am trying to say.

I thought I might start including some info on some of the food they are feeding me. And believe me, there is a lot of food. I have had to say 'bastante' (enough) at each mealtime so far. Last night when I arrived they fed me up with spaghetti and 'little boys', not very traditional methinks but after nearly 4.5 hours on the bus it was most welcome. For breakfast it was bread, scrambled eggs with tomato and onion, and orange juice. Yes, orange juice. For those of you who know me well, you know that I NEVER drink orange juice because I don't like it at all. But they insisted saying it was very sweet and they had just squeezed it for me. So as not to be rude I had some. And it does not taste like any orange juice I have had before, it really is naturally very sweet. ¡Qué sorpresa tan agradable! Lunch was chicken, vegetables and empanadas. Yum. It is almost tea time now and I think we are having burritos. How cool is that.

So, that's it for today. At the moment my tummy is empty but my brain is full to bursting. It is really hard work translating on the fly. I always seem to be about one sentence behind everyone else. I'm loving it.

This photo doesn't do justice to the steepness of the roads around here and the locals consider this 'flat'. Good for the old pins! This is on the road from where I am staying into the town centre.

Hasta pronto!


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