Friday, February 17, 2012


So, got up at 4:30 to catch the plane from Mackay, had brekky and coffee then off to the airport. It's pretty cool to get 4 boarding passes in one go and a baggage tag with GUA on it for Guatemala. It is really good not having to worry about transferring bags between flights. While Chris and I were at Mackay airport we ran into Deb Orr and Penny Galletly, which was nice because I hadn't managed to see them before leaving work.
Well, after quite an emotional goodbye to Chrissy (she was much more overt than me but I was feeling it on the inside) it was on to the plane and off to Brisbane. From there onto Sydney and a transfer to the international terminal. And here I am blogging at the terminal with another 2.5 hours to go before boarding to Dallas. So far everything has been spot on, timing wise. Can only hope the rest of the trip is the same. But I am not looking forward to the next leg, about 16 hours flight time I think.
Adios Australia.

- Posted from my iPad because I am a tech-savvy kind of guy!

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