Sunday, February 19, 2012

From Guatemala airport to Posada Belén

Well, the adventure really has begun.
The person who was supposed to pick me up at Guatemala airport did not show. I only had a contact number for the people in Quetzaltenango and it is a business number. My flight got in at 8:00pm and they were shut. After talking with a guy at the airport info counter I eventually used his Internet to find the name of the inn (posada means inn) to ring them. Fortunately he offered to talk to them as my Spanish would be nearly useless on the phone. The guy from the posada said he was unable to get a taxi to pick me up so said I should just get one. After negotiating a price ($10 US) I jumped into his clapped out diablo-mobile and was driven recklessly through some pretty dodgy areas of town wondering if I would get there alive. I did. There was also supposed to be a meal waiting for me but I didn't get there tll past 10 pm so ended up eating a chocolate bar I had bought for my host family.
Also, I was so tired I left my glasses on the plane and so am 3 parts blind until I buy some more.

Now it is time for bed after a big 'day' of nearly 36 hours. Tomorrow is onto the bus for Quetzaltenango.

This is my room at the inn.

Location:Posada Belén

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