Sunday, February 19, 2012

The flight to Dallas

Finally in the airport at Dallas after a long 14 hour flight from Sydney. Turns out that even though the bags were checked through to Guatemala you still have to collect them, go through immigration and then go back through security again. And it took 1.5 hours to do this. They seem more strict and slower than OZ.
So, now sitting in the gate lounge waiting for the boarding call to Guatemala. And to make things interesting, the zip on the pants I am wearing broke in Sydney. Also, it is COLD and very wet here, Dallas that is, not my pants. Temperature outside is 9 degrees and it is the middle of the day. Oh yeah, the flight over was bumpy nearly all the way, but that was a good thing because it was a little bit like when you're in a car and it's rocking you to sleep. That made it easier to sleep I reckon. Well, that and a couple of Temazapam! Anyway, here is a picture of the initial departure and an icon of where I am now.

(The time on the last pic is wrong because I haven't adjusted the cameras setting for this time zone yet)

Location:Dallas airport Fort Worth, good ol' US of A

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