Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Flours for your love

Well, what a day. More Spanish school and for the most part I understood everything. However, for those grammar nuts reading this, it was all in present tense. Tomorrow we start on preterite, which is good because I will be able to speak in past tense about some things. Anyway, there's a festival on today and five of us went. The festival has a dark side for the unwary (read Lawry), it is a bit like the Tomatina festival in Spain but with flour instead of tomatoes. Apparently gringos are a favourite target and, because I have only seen about ten others since I have been here, I was an obvious target. As we entered the carnival we were flour bombed by about twenty guys. It didn't matter if you were female either. The carnival market went on forever, it was huge, and as we walked people would burst out laughing because we were white with flour. It was a lot of fun. When I got back to my host family they were nearly rolling on the floor with laughter and I'm sure they were saying something in Spanish like 'we warned you'. I had also promised Chris that I would Skype her and had to do it covered in flour. It was the first time we had chatted since I left and not very impressive for the face-to-face. Still, it was fantastic to see her.

One thing here is a bit scary; there are heavily armed men everywhere but they are all officials. There are guys outside banks, around the park, walking the streets, riding two up on motorbikes, in cars, in utes, en todos partes. And the guns they carry are SERIOUS. They look like heavy duty military items. I don't think I will try and take a photo.

The ones below have been approved by the men in black Kevlar.

A bit of local news to read for practice.

Yo whitey!

One of the stalls at the carnival.

Another stall at the carnival and a floured chica.


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