Monday, February 27, 2012


¡Hola mis amigos!
Another day is now gone. It has just gone 10:00 pm and really cold. The days here are magnificent, today was easily 27 degrees and not a cloud in the sky all day. You have to slop on the sunscreen or burn to a crisp. However, the nights are freezing. Last night it was -4 Fahrenheit, not sure what that is in Celsius but it would have to be about -10 ish. There was ice everywhere.

Had to get some laundry done because I was starting to run out of clean clothes. There is a laundry about 100 metres from here so it is very handy. They washed, dried and folded all the dirty clothes I had since I left OZ so you can imagine there was quite a bit. And the whole lot cost me 20 quetzales (a bit less than $3.00). ¡Qué bueno!

I was supposed to go to a film with the school today but missed it because I jumped on a bus for a tour around the city. There were only 3 passengers, me and an older couple from Quebec. They only spoke French and Spanish so the whole lot was in Spanish as it was the common language. The city is on a plateau below a big circle of mountains and a couple of volcanoes, one of which spits every hour. In a week or so I hope to go an an overnight hike up the inert one and take some shots of the activity. Below are some pics of the tour today including one of the bus itself.

Cathie, if you are reading these blogs, I am sorry I have no serious culture shock pics yet. Things are definitely 2nd world here but the city is not that shocking. Just wait, there will be some soon enough.


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