Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fuentes Georginas y fútbol (soccer)

Went on an excursion this morning to some hot springs and it was great. There are 3 pools and each has a different temperature from 'f@ck me' to mild. Nearly everyone was in the middle one. The hot water comes from the side of a mountain and is heated by the lava under the ground. The place itself is gorgeous and surprisingly high, about 3000 metres. That's about 1500 metres higher than Xela. Tonight I went to a soccer match to watch the local team play San Marcos. Apparently the thing to do here is sing a song that bags the other team rather than spur on your own. Unusual, but interesting. And they sure love their football here, quite an experience. The teams are very passionate but there are also a few things that are different to Australia. Firstly, you are not allowed to take water or coins into the stadium. They take the water off you and frisk every person to make sure you are not carrying coins. However, fireworks are ok and people were letting them off held their hands all night. And the water? Didn't matter because you could buy a 1 litre cup of beer for Q20 (<$3.00), so I did. The atmosphere was incredible and it was only a local match. The sun went down about the time the game started and it got very cold very quickly. The game ended in a 1:1 draw.

Volcano Santa Maria looking over the (very poor) town of Sunil.

Steam rising from the hottest pool. The water comes out of the rock in the background.

Looking down on the three pools.

Looking down the valley over Sunil.

The volcanic soil here is very fertile and people sell their produce on the side of the road. The size and quality is excellent.

This is how yo buy a drink of Pepsi at the footy - in a plastic bag.

This is how you buy beer - in a 1 litre cup.

I thought I would film the start of the game. What I didn't know was how insane things would go.

Location:Fuentes Georginas y Xela

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