Friday, March 16, 2012

Us and them

Hi all...
Thought you might appreciate a bit of an update, if not, leave now.
Things have been ticking along ok the last few days and I am feeling much better after that second bout of illness.

My work with Alterna is progressing well and I think I will be able to leave behind some serious research regarding a battery rejuvenation device. After a lot of reading and checking of designs I think it is just not physically possible to desulphate a battery overnight. Still, if this proves to be the case it will mean that my research was worthwhile and it will have saved them spending time to reach the same conclusion.

I have a Canadian friend here (Melinda) and we get on well because we both speak Spanish whenever we're together rather than resort to English and therefore lose a bit of what we have learned. Sort of like a mutual-support mini-cohort. Anyway, we are going out for a farewell dinner tonight as tomorrow will be the last time we will see each other.

So, tonight is my last night in Xela for about 10 days as I am off to Panajachel tomorrow and then on to Santiago to work in the hospital.

I have attached some photos in different themes with explanations below.

For those who know, care, are curious or want to offer advice, here are a couple of simple desulphation schematics I have been working on. There are more if you really want them.

I love this juxtaposition. The Cristo Viene (christ is coming) church is high on the hill but the phone company 'tigo' is the link between heaven and earth.

In need of a neurologist? There are two only two blocks to the left!

These are the ladies of the house where I am staying. In the middle is Blanca, it is her house, on the left is her daughter Norma (she is a nurse and was a godsend when I was ill), and on the right is Terma who is the hired help for the household.

This is Jiro. He is Terma's son and a really cool little toddler.


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