Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 2 in el Hospitalito

Another huge and successful day today. Henry and I continued working on dead and suspect equipment and ended up with quite a tally. We checked;
4 x electro surgical units of which two were faulty but managed to get one to work by ratting parts from the other.
2 x ATS (automatic tourniquet systems) of which one was faulty but repairable.
6 x different aspirators that all checked ok.
7 x nebulisers that just needed cleaning and a bit of adjustment.
2 x CPAP units that were ok.
2 x oxygen concentrators of which one needed some minor pneumatic repair, and finally
1 x old pulse oximeter that needed the LCD display cleaning on the inside.

There are now only about six light sources left to check but we will start on them later in the week. Tomorrow we are going to go into theatre to check the gear in there. They have an anaesthetic machine, ventilator, ESU, infant crash cart and a couple of other odds and sods. It should be very do-able in a day.

The only other thing of note is that today seemed to be 'hippie exodus day'. There were dozens leaving with their bags after Sunday's festival. No photo, sorry, but it was quite a sight.

This is probably the only picture telling a story of today's work. The ESU tester I brought with me failed and this is Henry fixing the tester. Turned out to be two dry joints so nothing major fortunately.

Location:Santiago Atitlán.

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