Saturday, March 31, 2012

The end of stage 1 - on to stage 2

Well, it's been a while since the last entry but there really hasn't been much to tell. I have spent all my spare time since the hospitalito doing work on the battery rejuvenation project and taking some more Spanish classes. And now... the project is finished and so are the classes. I was supposed to be meeting with the director of Alterna (Steve Crowe) this morning but he was caught up at a remote pueblo where he was doing repairs on a mini hydro electric system so we have put the meeting off until Monday. I don't think the project could go any further no matter who was doing it. From my work it appears that battery rejuvenation through desulphation is most definitely feasible but the project was to find out if it could be done overnight and the answer to that is a resounding NO.

Yesterday afternoon there was a march by the students from San Carlos university. This is an annual event that protests against decisions made by the government and the church. It started off years ago when to do something like that would most likely get you arrested so they wore masks to hide their identities. And that tradition continues. There were floats denouncing the government's intention to legalise some drugs and others denouncing the catholic church's stance on contraception when so many families here can't afford to keep having kids. It was a huge procession that went on for about two hours.

But the most important news is that while I am writing this blog entry Chris is half way across the Pacific on her way to Dallas and then to Guatemala. So in one more day she will be here in Xela. Now THAT is what I call news worth celebrating.

So, to cap it all off, I will have no more news to report on my volunteer work (except for how my final meeting with Alterna goes) because from here on it is all vacaciones. I will probably keep posting photos and information about places we go but if you were only interested in my work here then it is time to say goodbye. So... goodbye and thanks for reading!

This is Jorge, my Spanish teacher. Cool chavo.

A diploma to prove I can speak Spanish.

One of the, probably, 100 bikes with students on them. Often 3 or 4 at a time.

This guy dressed a little differently.

Lotsa people

This is a cool pic. There were people dancing behind this ute and this is the sound system. There is a PA in the back powered by a generator and in the cabin is a computer hooked up to a powered mixer. What a system. Better than just a sub!

On for young and old.

Not sure what these guys were trying to say.

This float was protesting the proposed legalisation of marijuana. There is a giant scoob in the skeleton's mouth that kept puffing out yellow smoke.


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