Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hoy, ayer y anteayer. Today, yesterday and the day before.

It is now Wednesday night about 8:00 and the last three days have been horrible.
On Monday morning I was a bit dodgy but by midday I was dying. I have picked up some sort of intestinal bug and it has drained me. In both senses of the word. For the first 36 hours I was all high fever, hot and cold sweats, shakes and aching all over. I also think I may have straightened the S bend on the toilet. The family I am staying with have been fantastic! They checked on me every few hours day and night, made sure I kept drinking water and was as comfortable as possible. I am quite fortunate because Norma, one of the family, was nurse for 20 years so she went straight into matron-mode. She is so short she nearly has to go on tip toes to check the temperature of my forehead. I was starting to feel a little better this afternoon so thought I would try and Skype Chrissy because I hadn't been in contact since Sunday night. I have to walk about 1.5 kilometres into town for internet access and by the time I got there I could hardly stand up. So I sat down. I was at my favourite cafe where a good strong mug of coffee is just $2.00, but this time I couldn't face coffee so had a hot chocolate for the sugar. Honestly, I'm running on reserve at the moment and it is nearly empty too. The chicos that work there all know me now because I go for wifi y café nearly everyday - and at $2 per coffee and all the wifi you can emit, what a bargain.
Checked my email while I was there and found one from our conveyancer. We have finally sold our house and I have to sign some forms. Unfortunately, they need original signatures (I thought my signature was original) not scanned/emailed ones so I will have to print out the forms and send them by snail. I have no idea how long it will take and I can only hope it arrives in some sort of reasonable time.
So, because I have been laid up I haven't been working at all. I was a bit cranky too because I had a free ticket to a jazz concert on Tuesday night so I missed that. Bugger.
Did I mention in an early blog that the zip on my pants broke at Sydney airport and I had to go all the way here with an open fly? Well, the sequel to the story is this... There is a tailor around the corner so I took my pants in and he replaced the zip. So what, I hear you say. Well he replaced the plastic one with a good sturdy brass one, a matching colour and done with excellent workmanship. So what, I hear you say again, I would expect no less. So here is the clincher... to remove the old zip, supply and sew in a new one cost Q20 (a bit less than $3.00). Maybe we should be supporting Guatemala instead of china for some things.
That's it for now because I am flagging again. Hope these updates aren't to banal for yez.

No, honestly, this is how I looked a lunchtime today.

Location:Mi cama. My bed

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