Monday, March 12, 2012

Los Riscos (the Crags)

Momostenango is a pueblo of about 20,000 people approximately 26km from Xela (according to Lonely Planet) yet it took nearly two hours to get there on a chicken bus. The first hour was not too bad but then the road turned into dirt with lots of uneven sections and holes. The trip itself went through the towns of Salcajá, Cuatro Caminos (which is really just a dirty crossroads where you can change buses for other destinations) and San Francisco el Alto. The countryside was stunningly beautiful, though desolate, with high mountains and VERY steep valleys. Momostenango is at the end of the road. Literally. The road terminates here.
The town itself was like all the others in that there is a main square with a church and town hall and, because it was Sunday, a market. However, the market here was very much a produce market for the locals, not a tourist job. There were fruit and vegetables, livestock, meat hacked while you wait and lots of homemade textiles. Had a lot of trouble getting something to eat as, apart from street stalls which you DO NOT eat from, there was only one cafe/restaurant (La Cascada) and according to Lonely Planet it serves "simple and filling home-cooked fare with plenty of thick homemade tortillas". Well, they were nearly right, it was simple, but all they sold was instant coffee and strawberry/coconut cake. So I had one of each. There were a couple of interesting signs in the town (see below) but the main reason for going to Momo was to see Los Riscos. It was about a 1km walk and when I got there I was somewhat disappointed. The guide had built it up to be a splendorous rock formation but in fact it was just a few eroded rocks about 20 metres across. It was pretty cool as the photos show, but I'm not sure it was worth 4 hours on a chicken bus and a day with only a slice of cake to eat with instant coffee.

Later in the evening, back at Xela, I tried to book 3 nights in Panajachel for when Chris is here but I could not get any site to accept my card details. I think it is the special card I have for use in CA because in the end I contacted Chris in OZ and used hers OK. It was pretty hard to find a room because it is for the Easter weekend and things were booking out as I looked at them on the web. Anyway, we got a place (at inflated Easter prices) so that is good.

Tonight was also the third Cuaresma procession in Xela and by the time it got in to town it was dark. However, the float was all lit up and looked pretty cool.

So... The end of a big day. Think I need to sleep ready for work on the morrow.

The Momostenango chicken bus at the 'terminal'.

This sign is in a stairwell that goes up to the café. I love the 'Prohibido Lustradores' bit.

This is what I call diversity. A corner shop and Mini Funeral Parlour.

This is pretty much all there is at Los Riscos except the column below.

A bit phallic methinks!

And a tuc tuc. These things whizz around town like crazy, often going on two wheels around a corner. I loved the sign on the window of this one... 'Protected by God'. I wonder if that gives him a discount on his insurance 😏

The illuminated float in the procession. Still carried by all those people.


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