Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The two of us

As stated previously, Chris is now here. On Sunday we strolled through the central market and just generally mooched around. We did however buy a handmade cloth directly from the lady who made it, Doña Maria. A really, really nice bit of craftsmanship.

On Monday we visited the spanish school I attended so she could meet the team and find out who it was who taught me such dodgy Spanish. It was a good reunion and we had a lot of fun. During the day we did a heap of meandering and generally had a look around. Including a monster market.

At 4:00 I had a meeting with Steve (director of Alterna) to discus my project and so now I can say it is all at an end.

Today we went to Fuentes Georginas, which is a volcanically heated spa and tomorrow we are doing a volcano hike for which we have to leave at 5:00am. Hmmm.

As for right now, we are in a cool little cafe/bar listening to some young gringos belting out 'going up the country', a song that would have been released about 10 years before they were born I reckon. The music is OK but you would think they could find their own icons!

This is the textile we bought and this is the lady who made it. It is beautiful.

They have a lot of fresh fruit here that they freeze and dip in chocolate. This is a choco banana and a choco mango. They cost Q5 each, about 75 cents.

A bit hard to see in this photo but this guy is carrying a serious gun to guard the Pepsi van. This is not a joke.

And finally another electricity photo. This is a lamp post in the main park and people have plugged into the power outlets.


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