Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Around Antigua.

Antigua sure is a lot more upmarket than Xela! A lot more touristy and expensive too. However, there are a lot of interesting things to see here. But let's start with the trip from Panajachel yesterday.

We were picked up from our hotel exactly on time as per our booking. The trip took about 2 hours and was uneventful, passing through a couple of towns that we hadn't been through going to Xela. The mountains in Guatemala are so steep and ubiquitous that going anywhere takes a long time.

When we arrived at our posada in Antigua we dumped our stuff and headed into the centre of town (only two blocks away) for a bit of a squiz. Being your typical Spanish setup there is a main park with a church and town hall facing it. The thing about the OLD buildings here is that they were nearly all destroyed in a big earthquake in the 1700s. So we had a bit of a look at some of the churches, markets and then went back to the posada to unpack and get settled in. Later in the evening we went out for dinner to a nice little restaurant around the corner (literally) where a local musician played some fantastic latin songs on his guitar.

Next day (today - Wednesday) we went on another ruins-walk, had lunch, did more walking then ate some chocolate.

Tomorrow we are flying to Tikal for two days to see the Mayan ruins. Our shuttle service leaves the posada at 4:00 am so it will have to be an early night methinks.

This is the old Capitanes Generales quarters facing the main square.

These ladies are washing clothes at an outdoor washery that faces a little park.

This lady was washing clothes in this basin while her baby was in the one to her left being washed in that.

Great singer/guitarist doing all Latin songs.

A very tasty mouthful from Argentina (the wine, not Chrissy). Just perfect for listening to Latin music.

This ruined church is right next door to our posada.

Another market. They really hassle you here. Very annoying!

Another earthquake-destroyed church.

These are the doorways into the cells of a convent. They are set in a semicircle and if you stand in the middle and talk normally your voice carries to the back of each cell. Quite amazing.

And finally, my lunch. I ordered a plate of nachos and this is what they brought me. I couldn't finish it.

Location:Antigua, Guatemala

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