Saturday, April 21, 2012

On board

Hiho me hearties,
We be on board our ship and be settling in for the evening. We have packed our provisions aboard and downed one G&T already. Keith is currently in the galley cooking some dinner (chicken curry and rice) so soon it will be feedin' time. We have met a few people here on the dock who have just brought their boat back and are finishing their sailing and several have given us their unused provisions including, wine, beer, water and fishing gear. So now we have extra stock. Not that I think we will need it because we appear to have plenty.

The weather forecast for the next few days is 'perfect and improving' with southeast winds at 15 ish knots. Our boat is a Jeanneau 44i if you want to google it. We have already hoisted out boxing kangaroo and Australian flag and tomorrow we will fly the jolly roger once we are under way.

Yesterday, in Australia, and today, in BVI, was/is Keith's birthday so we loaded him up with pirate pressies.

So how do you know you're a pirate?

You just aargh!

The motley crew. Ash, me, Chris, Keith and Kathryn.

Discussing drinking tactics over lots of $2.00 G&Ts.

Here be pirates.

Location:Sunsail dock,Waterfront Drive,Road Town,British Virgin Islands

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