Friday, April 13, 2012


This place (Tikal) was recommended to us by everyone and it did not disappoint. We had to get up at 3:30 am in Antigua and catch a shuttle to Guatemala City airport (about an hour away) then take a one hour flight to Flores followed by another one hour shuttle ride to Tikal. There was one scary incident where I thought I had lost my passport in Guatemala City airport but after lots of talking with officials and running around (literally) it was found in an external rear pocket of my backpack that I have NEVER used before. Much relief.

Anyway, we have spent the last two days in the middle of the jungle right next to the ruins of a Mayan city. There are temples, homes, offices and all sorts of stone edifices here of which some date back over two thousand years. On the first day we climbed to the top of a temple and saw the sunset then the next morning at 4:00 we climbed up another temple and watched the sunrise. Because we were in the jungle before the animals woke up we got to hear all sorts of noises as the day began such as howler monkeys and different birds. We also saw pizotes and toucans but no star bellied sneetches. And in total we spent about 7 hours exploring the ruins.

After Tikal we shuttled back to Flores and spent about four hours just wandering around the island and drinking cheap mojitos. Really cheap... $1.50 each. And damn good ones too! The island of Flores is really tiny and you can stroll around it in about 15-20 minutes. It is situated in the middle of a lake and stacked with very pretty coloured buildings. Real postcard stuff.

At the moment we are sitting in the Flores airport waiting for our flight to Guatemala City and then it is back to Antigua. When we arrive we have to pack ready for the morning trek back to Guatemala City in order to fly out to Puerto Rico.

The morning before I left Australia I took some sunrise photos and now that I am leaving Guatemala I have some sunset photos. Fantastic!

So, this is my last blog from Guatemala.

¡AdiĆ³s y gracias por todo el pescado!

One of the temples.

Some ruins.



Lunch in Flores.

Boats moored waiting to take people across the lake.

Location:Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

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