Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Last day in BVI

A sad day.
Today we left old' briny and our yacht behind to became landlubbers again. The last few days of sailing have been fantastic. We had 20-ish knot winds and seas of 1-2 metres with some larger rolling swells on occasion. Consequently we had the sails up and enjoyed some screaming times. At one stage we were holding about 8.5 knots under a sail on the first reef and the jib on the first mark. Great fun.

But today we are back on land and rocking like we are still on the boat. I saw a cool T-shirt at one of the island shops that said 'I'm not drunk, just been too long on a boat". I nearly bought it. Today we took a ride to the other side of Tortola to Cane Garden Bay. It is a bit touristy, but we wanted to visit a 400 year old rum distillery that still makes rum in the original manner. And it tastes pretty good too, except the proof spirit which is a bit potent at 84%!

But all good things come to an end and now we are in the hotel packing for a 5:30 a.m. taxi ride to the airport tomorrow. We fly out about 9:00 to Puerto Rico then to Dallas, on to Brisbane and finally to Mackay. I think flying time is around 22 hours plus time in the airports. I am not looking forward to that.

Hooning on Sir Francis Drake Passage.

The last boat photo. Keith, Chris, me, Kathryn and Ashley.

Callwood's 400 year old rum distillery.

The Still, bubbling away making spirit.

Enjoying a local beer, Carib, at Cane Garden Bay during Happy Arrr.
Drink up me hearties yo ho.

Looking down on Road Town and the marina.


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